Apr 182012
 April 18, 2012  Posted by at 6:11 pm Uncategorized No Responses »

I’ve been blogging ALOT on my beta version of my video game website lately, GameSquire: The Wonderful World of Gaming (you can find it at beta.gamesquire.info by the way), and I just popped in my head that I hadn’t been doing much here!

Besides literally finishing a nearly one thousand posted blog to my beta site, I’ve been messing around with the “Live! Cam Avatar Creator” program that came with my Windows 7 laptop, I find it to be quite simple and easy to use, but I have to say it sucks that it is only compatible with only a few audio and picture file types. Besides finding other programs that convert these files to the right format, I’ve took a few pics of my cat and made him say a few well known phrases from TV shows and movies which I found it quite funny. Thinking that I should make a few minute video and post it.
