All About the Pig – Chinese Zodiac

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All About the Chinese Zodiac Sign: The Pig/Boar

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You are an Pig if you are born on the following year: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
Note: Chinese New Year doesn’t fall on a specific date, so its essential to know the exact date. Click Here for a free online Chinese Zodiac calculator. For an alternate Chinese Zodiac calculator Click Here.

About The Pig:
“Its better to give than to receive” would probably be the Pig’s motto. Pigs are more comfortable giving of their own time or attention than they are to ask others for it. They do not find asking for help an easy task and would rather carry the burden themselves. Pigs will do anything they can to maintain a sense of peace amongst family or friends. This can lead to a tendency to be taken advantage of, but Pigs basically forgive and forget everything. They are compassionate souls who simply want to keep the peace.

The Metal Pig (Year: 1911 and 1971)
Outspoken and confident, Metal Pigs give 110% for everything they do. They throw themselves into relationships with others completely, sometimes to a fault. These Pigs are headstrong and diligent in the workplace, honest and caring in a relationship and trustworthy with everyone he meets unless given reason not to be. Metal Pigs usually give people more credit than they deserve but when challenged can be a hard nut to crack.

The Water Pig (Year: 1923 and 1983)
Water Pigs go with the flow and usually trust people before they truly know them. This, of course, can get them into trouble because they are often to trusting for their own good. Water Pigs are quite easily influenced; yet, can be very persuasive when it comes to getting what they want. These people love parties and social situations and enjoy giving of themselves to help others.

The Wood Pig (Year: 1935 and 1995)
Wood Pigs are strong-minded individuals who give of themselves continuously. They have hearts of gold and won’t take no for an answer from a friend in need. These Pigs are practical, down-to-earth and industrious people, always looking for the next project to take on. They enjoy working in groups and work well with other people.

The Fire Pig (Year: 1947 and 2007)
Active, outgoing and extroverted, Fire Pigs breathe new life into everything they do. These Pigs are vivid, motivated individuals who cannot be deterred from a goal once they have set it. They are emotional and passionate about their loved ones, their occupations and their objectives. They are bold and vivacious, unafraid to take risks despite the consequences. They make great bosses because they do work so hard and because they are so spirited. But don’t double cross a Fire Pig. They have the ability to be quite abrasive when things don’t turn out as they planned.

The Earth Pig (Year: 1959 and 2019)
Laid back and reliable, Earth Pigs are at their happiest at home with their families. They are organized and pragmatic, preparing a strategy for every project they take on. They are fruitful at work and are content being one of the employees. Even so, Earth Pigs may compensate for this by asking for more money at review time. These Pigs love a good time and so may overindulge at times.

Eastern Astrology Meets Western Astrology
Check Out This Zodiac Calculator to show you your Eastern, Western, and First Native Zodiac Signs.

Aries Pig
Full of energy and vive, these are affectionate lovers. They hunger for responsibility both mentally and physically.

Taurus Pig
Charming and luxurious, although they like to spend money, Taurean Pigs are good with it. They are completely grounded and motivated workers.

Gemini Pig
Party-loving and sociable, Gemini Pigs enjoy the good life. They love to host parties and dinners, but are very appearance-oriented.

Cancer Pig
Happy to be on their couch at night, these Pigs enjoy their families and friends more than anything else. They like to take on projects around the house such as sewing or gardening.

Leo Pig
These Pigs throw themselves into everything they do. They work hard, but they play hard. They are genuine and stable with hearts of gold.

Virgo Pig
Virgo Pigs are very giving creatures who would go without just so others could have. They are sacrificial creatures who will really out on the heat if a family member or friend lets them down.

Libra Pig
These Pigs are sophisticated, beautiful individuals who make great companions. They are easygoing and lovable, but a bit indecisive.

Scorpio Pig
These Pigs are motivated and sociable individuals who base success on money and power. They will accomplish their goals of being wealthy no matter what it takes.

Sagittarius Pig
Sagittarian Pigs spread good feelings and vibes everywhere they go. They are giving and accommodating and take good care of their loved ones.

Capricorn Pig
These are upstanding people who genuinely care about the welfare of people. They are hardworking, motivated people who are the first to speak up when something needs to be done.

Aquarius Pig
Talkative and friendly, these Pigs love to talk. They give good advice and often serve as role models for family and friends.

Pisces Pig
These are generally the most artistically able and creative of all the Pigs. They need to feel secure to be happy and will do whatever it takes to make a relationship or friendship work.


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